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Tuesday, October 25, 2005 


I'm in Debate ok and our issue this quarter is Judicial Activism. Pretty heavy stuff. I just wrote a paper for the Negative and Affirmative views and we're going to have to debate other students in the class this coming week. I paired up with someone whose so-so. The problem is that it will be my first debate. I'm a stage person that is quick on the feet so I don't think I'll do to badly. We'll see though if I can pull through without being crushed.
The time it takes to write these papers is insane. I guess it's just me but 2 hours for a 7 min speech! That's how much research I'm doing for these paper. I try to fit the words so it sounds professional. Which brings me to another thing, I like to be professional, but I can't talk the way intellectuals talk, I have the down to earth understanding that would relate to most Americans. I guess it's just me. I can dress the dress, walk the walk, but not talk the talk. Big hypocrite flag just waved there. Oh well. I guess I should just be myself.

Hey, a REAL comment -- Josh, as someone who taught writing and spends a lot of my work life talking in front of groups, people REALLY appreciate it if you talk like a normal person. The more "yourself" you are, the more confidence you project, and that makes everyone more receptive to what you're saying. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip. I'm defintetly a perfectionist if that applies to this at all. Love to do the work to see the finished product that people will enjoy. I kind of put that into speehes as well. I think it's been working...

1) Being an intellectual is not a bad thing, despite what O'Reilly thinks...

2) ...speaking of him, please do not model your debating style on his method of bullying opponents.

3) The most important part of speeches and writing is knowing/understanding the ideas/beliefs of your audience--so that you can engage in a dialogue with them (as opposed to shouting them down) A good debater engages in a dialogue and attempts to convince the other side through reasoned dialogue. A bad debater demostrates an unawareness of the other side's position, the inability to care about what anyone else thinks and attempts to bully through loud, distracting performances (which cover up that the speaker has truly nothing to say)

Good luck!

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