Thursday, November 09, 2006 


Well, it's coming up this's time for Forensics. Alright, many of you may have been like little old me back in Elementary school thinking that Forensics was some criminal solving thing. Yeah, I was real cool. Anyway, forensics is actually going with your school and preforming some sort of acting scene, giving a speech, debating, or anything associated with that matter.

So, it's my first time. I'm a Senior and have never been. Oh well, what a shame. There's are all those die-hard Forensic people out there, but then there's me. Hmmm, moving on. I'm doing Duo Interp and IDA. Let's turn our direction to Duo. Duo is where you stand side by side with your partner and act without looking at them. Sounds boring huh? Well, my dear child certainly wrong. It's quite entertaining and fun. I hoping for first this Saturday. First forensics can I pull away with a first place? Tune in next week to find out.

Just so you aren't all left in the dark and yelling at me, "What is IDA Josh! What is IDA Josh!" I'll tell you. IDA stands for Impromtu Duet Acting. 2 People get each a card giving you your character, place, and action. Then you make up the scene. Yep, that's about it. You may think this is also boring but too bad. It rocks. Ok, you might be getting tired of reading the old blog, but don't get down. The best is yet to come!! Bye guys.

Monday, August 21, 2006 

School pictures

School pictures were today, and one thing I didn't know about the whole picture thing, when you're a senior you get to look nice and where a tux, that sort of thing. They didn't tell you the only where the top half of the tux. I walked into the dressing room where they have tux's already ready for you. I'm going along and realize...oh pants. Oh well, going for that open-winded effect. Umm, right. Anyway I walked out with pants much to everyone's surprise...I mean...who cares. I got the picture and that was it. Nothing fancy, just routine.

Moving on, I got this movie from the rental store and I need, of course, to make a review. The movie is titled Bat-Thumb. Sounds cute, cuddly, and entertaining. Well, all of you are wrong. The movie features real thumbs with faces just digitally-enhanced onto the faces, amazing what technology they come up with. They had nails on the back just like real thumbs, but let me tell you, it just didn't cut it as a movie.

Boring as all get out, it porbably costs 100 dollars to make, literally, it was that bad. Oh well, it was free movie night at Hollywood Video soooooooo might as well go out of the ordinary. I thought it would be hilarious. I mean it's thumbs for crying out loud. Nope, just a poor representation of a great tool.

My Rating:

P.S.-Ummm, that picture is not of me...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 

School Starts...

Well, schools back in session for us, soooo I guess that means posting some more great stuff on the blog. It's time to clear out all those random cobwebs that have been cluttering up this place. I'm back and proud of it.

I know, I know you're all probably wondering what's my favorite class, what's my favorite teacher, and what's the average lifespan of a wallaby...wait, that last one just slipped soooooo let's move on.


Favorite Teacher: Mr. Nick

Favorite Class: Mix between Chorale and Performing Arts

Just to point it out, think about a mix
between Chorale and Performing Arts. It's like Interpretive Dance or why don't we have that...(silence)...ok, let's move on!

Anywho, soccer starts up again. Tryouts were today and I am pretty confident I did well. The only problem with this whole soccer dealio is that the same coach is going to pick me, I just know it. He has a reputation of being the worse coach. Not so bad, well hold on to your pants...because he is bad. Right. He is. He is bad. That's right, because he is. Let's also hope I don't make in on a blue or purple team because all my diehard fans out there all know my problem...


Oh well, I know the coach's will make the right decision and do whatever they do. I want to add that your fan mail to me has been great, and I want to apologize if I can't reply. So much fan mail so little time, but keep sending it. You guys are great, you been a wonderful audience, and good night!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006 

Ok, I'll post something...

Sorry I haven't posted anything for it seems like eternity. I seriously have been as busy as anything. Something you may not have know that has been getting all the hype up in my life is Junior-Senior. It's the time when you get to be forced to date. That's alright, if you don't do it now, will it ever happen? I got a date...I asked her, she said yes, but there's a catch. She said I had to ask her dad, hmmm. Stop right there I thought...a roadblock? No, she said that her dad would would joke around with me then finally say yes. I guess it's an initiation to the family, even though we aren't technically dating...

Anyway, another big thing, I am now the team nutritionist for the basketball team the Grizzlies. Last year their record was a whopping no wins. No wins, insane? Yes, how that is possible no one knows. So, I came to help the team this year because I really don't like to play basketball and there coach is the funniest person you'll ever meet, and of course the teammates The good thing is that he knows how to's amazing. We have won 2 straight games, a record for the team. We are now on our 4th game tomorrow night and as their nutritionist I am making chocolate-dipped strawberries. Oh, it will be good.

In the past I have made fruit shish-kabobs, beanies wrapped in bacon, and last game haystacks (peanut butter dessert). It gives the team confidence, energy, and a will. That's my speech and my goal. The interesting thing is our pre-game ritual. We have a pep-rally as a team before our game, getting extremely pumped. I can't wait for will be great.

Saturday, February 04, 2006 

Wow, that was crazy...

Yesterday we had our big basketball game where our team plays the another one from out of state. It's a big deal, and our school unites all around our all-stars. When I'm talking about a big deal, this is huge. Everyone goes all out wearing school colors, buttons, and weird clothes of the colors. Insane, simply insane. So, the game is at 7:00. We have a cheering section every year and I kind of go in it a while and then leave becuase I get a haedache. This time I didn't really care, bring on the headache! It sure did come. We were screaming our lights out; it was so loud! Occasionally, the whole cheering section would start jumping on the bleachers, making them shake.

Our baskeball team dominated the whole game with a score of 75-48. We whooped. After the game, the whole cheering section went running out the doors and almost tackled the team. We were all yelling at the top of our lungs, my headache of course felt like a hammer against my head. Everything finally cools down, everyone leaves. I had to go outside to cool down. In the cheering section, in was almost 100 degrees! Again insane, and we were still yelling at the top of our lungs. After that, watched a boring college not even as close to exciting as ours. It's amazing I didn't lose my voice, I mean I completely yelled the whole time. Came home and relaxed...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 

I got it fair and square

You will not believe what I just got this afternoon. I just happened to get a little thing called a driver's license! Finally, I got one; I have been waiting for this day for a long long time, believe me. What happened? Ok, the lowest possible score you can get and still pass is what I got. During the whole test I thought I failed. I was doing so many errors, I guess she just liked me as a person. Thank heavens. I made her laugh at the beginning and then it turned to business, she turned into serious mode, almost like a robot, it was pretty weird. Well, she passed me and told me what to work on. It's over and who cares about the score, I passed that's all that counts.

The weirdest thing of the test was when she wanted me to reverse 100 yards, there was a car sitting right behind us. She was expecting me to just back right up. I spoke up and said that there was a car there, but she just ignored me. I waited and finally the car behind me backed up a little, so I backed up a little. Complete silence. Hmmmmmm, car behind us backed up a little more, I backed up a little more. Akward silence. Hmmm, finally she goes "I said back up when your ready or when it's safe." I just sit there going what on earth, did she see the car behind me? Anyway, it's over and I passed. I took off school so I could get there early, I was there probably about 1 hour! Good gravy. Oh well...

Saturday, January 28, 2006 

So Sore...

I got back from the ski trip and was sore as a dog. Back hurts, shoulder hurt, and triceps hurt. Triceps? What's with that? I didn't use poles since I have short skis, so that can't been the reason. There is just no explanation. It sounds like I'm an old man with all of these sore's and sicknesses. Oh well. It was fun though. I didn't fall but once and man did it count. It was a roll and tumbler. Wow, it came out of no where. The short skis are better because you can go faster, do jumps, and go backwards easily. It's so fun. I just can't understand why my triceps are sore. Maybe time will tell...

Josh: Time?

Time: Yes?

Josh: Why do my triceps hurt after skiing? I never used them.

Time: Well, Josh...only time can tell that...

Josh: Then who are you?

(no answer)


Oh well, I'll never ever know. The best part of the trip was that it was 55 degrees basically the whole day. We went skiing with just short sleeved shirts on. One of the best times I have ever skiied...but right now, I'm dead tired.