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Tuesday, December 13, 2005 


I just had my first of 6 exams. The exam was over the scarlet letter, and you all know how much I love that book. Yep. That's how much. The problem was the exam wasn't that hard. I think I might have gotten an A- on it. Here is a deep logical thought that I came up with when I was studying for the exam. If you study for an exam...you will do better than if you didn't...It's that simple. I know. Profound. Simply Profound. It just takes a little effort and you can come up with these things. It's great.

Anyway, also had my Debate exam. How hard was it? You know how I complained the whole year about how hard that class was and everything, I now think that has been my favorite class of my life. Well, getting away from the speech...the exam was just a survey on how well he taught the class. Hey it was 10 questions, no namer paper, and no grade. How easy is that? Well, let's just hope I can keep this streak of A's going for all the exams. U.S. Government and Algerbra 2 are tomorrow. I am not worried at all about the math, since I'm really good at it. It's the Government that will be a little harder than most things, well, that's what she told us. I think she's trying to scare us into studying. We'll see...