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Monday, January 23, 2006 

Sick? Why yes...

Yes, I have joined the crowd of being sick. I guess you could call it the in thing, it's pretty cool I guess. People feel sorry for you, care for you, and are concerned for you getting better. The problem with all this is that I hardly ever get sick. I get sick at most twice a year. Twice! That's it, a fever and then a sore throat. That's basically about it, nothing more, but I've gotten something that I haven't had for a long time. EAR INFECTION...yea! I'm on antibiotics for a 10 days and everything is going great, even though I have pain in my ear. I'm just here sippin on a Blenheim...havin a good old time. Wait, what is a Blenheim you ask? Well...go here to find out
