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Saturday, January 28, 2006 

So Sore...

I got back from the ski trip and was sore as a dog. Back hurts, shoulder hurt, and triceps hurt. Triceps? What's with that? I didn't use poles since I have short skis, so that can't been the reason. There is just no explanation. It sounds like I'm an old man with all of these sore's and sicknesses. Oh well. It was fun though. I didn't fall but once and man did it count. It was a roll and tumbler. Wow, it came out of no where. The short skis are better because you can go faster, do jumps, and go backwards easily. It's so fun. I just can't understand why my triceps are sore. Maybe time will tell...

Josh: Time?

Time: Yes?

Josh: Why do my triceps hurt after skiing? I never used them.

Time: Well, Josh...only time can tell that...

Josh: Then who are you?

(no answer)


Oh well, I'll never ever know. The best part of the trip was that it was 55 degrees basically the whole day. We went skiing with just short sleeved shirts on. One of the best times I have ever skiied...but right now, I'm dead tired.