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Thursday, November 03, 2005 

Cookin' Up A Storm

Wow, you would have loved to have been at my house today. I made a cheesecake that was out of this world. New York Style, baby. No burnt edges, delicious topping, and luscious cheesecake made the bite just melt in your mouth and caress your taste buds. Anyway, I am a big lover of making cheesecakes. It's great; I guess I would include all desserts in there and not just cheesecakes. They are my favorite though. To top it off, I made a red-hot cinnamon hot apple cider with orange zest. It was better than the cheesecake. I gotta hand it to chefs on the internet; they know what they are doing...

Anyway, we are role-playing in gov't class, Congress. You are assigned a Senator and you play as if you we're in Congress. Wonderful idea, I love it. So, I'm Senator Richard Durbin. One of the biggest Dem's in the Senate. LOL! I am going to be proposing these crazy bills that Dem's would. Of course, why not?! I'm minority whip so I have some leadership over the Democrats in my class. Let's hope they respect me. Right...

"Senator Richard Durbin"