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Wednesday, December 21, 2005 

Power on!

Oh my goodness, we finally got the power on. All of you our still wondering what I am talking about and why I haven't written on the blog since forever. Ok, here's the story.

Thursday: Wake up to see the whole neighborhood covered in ice. Yes, that's right, ice, and this is no ice hanging from the bottom of cars, it's ice that pulling down trees everywhere. So, I'm as crazy as ever wanting to find out if we have school or not. We didn't, obviously. There is always this rush when your sitting in front of the TV and slowly the name of your school pops up saying it's canceled. I went hooping and hollering all over the place. Anyway, at the same time as this all wonderful thing is happening, I went back to sleep. Woke up...no power. Cool right, we're just going to be naturing people today. Ended Thursday no power...

Friday: Woke up after being piled in blankets, ice still everywhere. Still no power. Get up, ate some breakfast. Then, I started to hear noise from the garage. Went out there, and saw a man from my dad's work giving us a generator. Thanks. We soon had power, but only in select places. No bathrooms had power. Duh-duh-dun. Oh no. So...my brother still had to take exams and study so they went to library, I went too. We didn't want to waste gas and the generator sooo we went to the library. He studied, I played on his computer and the internet. Funny this was I was at the library for 5 1/2 hours. Yeah, I said it. I don't know how that happened, and I was even studying. Oh well. Ended that day with the generator and no power in the bathrooms.

Saturday: Woke up to a very warm house, generator helped that. Took a shower in the dark, got dressed. Alright, what to do. Don't want to waste gas using the generator. So, I decided to go shopping with the parents. Hey, got my shopping done right? Yep. Ok, was shopping until 12:00, when my golf senses got me. I told dad that we had to play even though the whole city was without power. He said, "why not." That's us the die-hard golfers. Finished shopping and played golf. Eveywhere we looked when driving up there was not good, trees had fallen all over the place from the heavy load of ice they had to carry (personification). Power lines down everywhere. Crazy, but who cares...we are playing golf. We played an awesome round. 5 under for 10 holes. It was fun. Went home and was bored for the whole night. Ate, went to sleep.

Sunday: Got up, went to church. Ate lunch. Then I completely forgot. The Colts game is today how could I forget!! I turned it on to seem them behind 7 in the 1st quarter. That's alright, I told myself. They always come back. If you don't already know they lost. :( It couldn't go forever. So sad. I was mad because Peyton played awesome, but the stupid offensive line couldn't block. After my outrage was over, We went and played more golf. 8 holes, didn't play as well as before. Shot even myself, without dad. Went home, went to church. Came home. Ate, went to bed.

Monday: Still no power but the generator. Ice had melted by Sunday but power is still out. Went to work so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind at home. Was there until 5:00, came home. There is this thing when we come home. We all want the power on, so we come down our street and see if any of the neighbors have power. We are coming down a main road this time, seeing power. Not we we're smiling, turned onto our street and it's completely dark! No power still. Went to bed, no power.

Tuesday: Woke up, no power but the generator. Man. Went to work. Same as Monday. We turn the corner to our street......and see our neighbors christmas lights booming, with the Nativity Scene shining out for all to see it. Loved it. No more generator. I forgot to tell you, the thing is as loud as a pressure washer. Constantly. No mercy. Oh well, he's gone now. Turned on the power. Enjoyed the fresh heat. Went to bed happily ever after.

Now what! I'm going to Indiana for Christmas today! I want to see snow, not ICE! So I won't be able to update for another week or so. Too bad. You will probably hear what I get for Christmas on the next blog. So be ready. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.