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Thursday, December 22, 2005 


Alright, this may be a touchy subject for some people, but for me, I could rant and debate all day long to get my two-pence worth of opinion. Why is this big old topic so important? Why has Target been focused on? Don't get me wrong, I love Target. Love it, great deals, awesome selling ideas, a huge growing business, and amazing advertisement, but why them?

"Last December Target threw out the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army? The SA does nothing day and night but help people, and some of those who are lying in the streets or shooting up their veins. Yet sweet Target, middle class profiled Target, pitches SA off their fronts by telling them to find another corner from which to hang their cheery kettles." -Michnews.com

You may not assume the Salvation Army is closely related to Christmas, but when you walk into Walmart, K-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, or whatever...what do you always/sometimes see? Those wonderful old people wanting you to support the SA. Most people can't resist, some just give their pocket change, whatever the case may be, they give and provide.

"But no, Target has to go into a snit this Christmas by not permitting "Merry Christmas" to be said anywhere in the store or put on any written material or even breathed upon the merchandise. At least Target cannot corral the thoughts of believing employees who must pick up a paycheck from the likes of a Target executive office.

Merry Christmas is right. And it is merry throughout America and all around the world. It is merry in the souls of those who believe. It is merry throughout the Salvation Army where bells ring out where permitted and kettles fill up where sharing folk walk by. It is merry for some forlorn shelter sleeper who wakes up on December 25 to find herself not alone but sided by a Salvation Army lass willing to share a hot meal with an outcast."-Michnews.com

Alright, Alright, some may think I'm going a little liberal on Target...well let's broaden the view shall we...more and more companies are falling, falling to pressure...from where? Who knows...but they don't care about it at all. I's a time for families to celebrate together. True, some people celebrate other holidays, but you don't have to completely force your opinion on everyone else around you. This may be way off the point, but athiest and how for them, they want to take "in God we trust" off our money and "under God" from our pledge. Why hurt the freedom of Americans? No God. No purpose. They have no zeal or love for the country they live in.

In closing on this big old speal over hosh-posh. You may have arguments that I have not addressed. That is not the issue. The main issue is that a love for our God-founded country is dwindling quickly. No love for a country? Why live there. Millions of people love it, they put there lives in to it, support it, and grow up around it. It is a place of oppurtunity. Founded on the principles that have stood the test of time. Believe me, why are we a superpower? Obviously, our government can explain that or I can, it works. It just does. If you cannot stand up, support your own country...then "get up and get out."