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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 

Stink...School's Back

Alright some people are in love with school and can't wait to go back and get knowledge flowing into their brains again. As for me, I have to get into a mode of liking school...the first few weeks I enjoy the teachers and friends, then it hits me like a load of bricks that we are back in school and we'll be in for a long time...Oh well. Then, at the end of the year everyone talks about how fast the year went by...and I just sitting there smiling saying "he..he..he, no it didn't." (those he's were fake laughter). Anyway, I had all of my classes switched around for no particular reason so now I get to meet new people, but of course, not to forget the old ones.

What classes did I change? Well, I added Journalism and dropped Debate II. So sorry, all those people who wanted me to stick with it and continue with the hard experience that will help me later on life are now left without that choice for me. Sorry, I got through Debate and it was great, but I need to be getting A's this next semester...not that big fat ole B.

Anything else happened to me? Hmmm, I think we start my golf lessons this Saturday, so again I can't wait for that. I don't have to go in to work until 10:45 for some odd reason. Even though we start school today, I don't have to go in until then. It's like a half-day. Yipee, back to elementary school. Ahh, the memories. Oh well, you guys have a great week. I'll try to. Haha.