Tuesday, January 31, 2006 

I got it fair and square

You will not believe what I just got this afternoon. I just happened to get a little thing called a driver's license! Finally, I got one; I have been waiting for this day for a long long time, believe me. What happened? Ok, the lowest possible score you can get and still pass is what I got. During the whole test I thought I failed. I was doing so many errors, I guess she just liked me as a person. Thank heavens. I made her laugh at the beginning and then it turned to business, she turned into serious mode, almost like a robot, it was pretty weird. Well, she passed me and told me what to work on. It's over and who cares about the score, I passed that's all that counts.

The weirdest thing of the test was when she wanted me to reverse 100 yards, there was a car sitting right behind us. She was expecting me to just back right up. I spoke up and said that there was a car there, but she just ignored me. Ok......so I waited and finally the car behind me backed up a little, so I backed up a little. Complete silence. Hmmmmmm, car behind us backed up a little more, I backed up a little more. Akward silence. Hmmm, finally she goes "I said back up when your ready or when it's safe." I just sit there going what on earth, did she see the car behind me? Anyway, it's over and I passed. I took off school so I could get there early, I was there probably about 1 hour! Good gravy. Oh well...

Saturday, January 28, 2006 

So Sore...

I got back from the ski trip and was sore as a dog. Back hurts, shoulder hurt, and triceps hurt. Triceps? What's with that? I didn't use poles since I have short skis, so that can't been the reason. There is just no explanation. It sounds like I'm an old man with all of these sore's and sicknesses. Oh well. It was fun though. I didn't fall but once and man did it count. It was a roll and tumbler. Wow, it came out of no where. The short skis are better because you can go faster, do jumps, and go backwards easily. It's so fun. I just can't understand why my triceps are sore. Maybe time will tell...

Josh: Time?

Time: Yes?

Josh: Why do my triceps hurt after skiing? I never used them.

Time: Well, Josh...only time can tell that...

Josh: Then who are you?

(no answer)


Oh well, I'll never ever know. The best part of the trip was that it was 55 degrees basically the whole day. We went skiing with just short sleeved shirts on. One of the best times I have ever skiied...but right now, I'm dead tired.

Monday, January 23, 2006 

Sick? Why yes...

Yes, I have joined the crowd of being sick. I guess you could call it the in thing, it's pretty cool I guess. People feel sorry for you, care for you, and are concerned for you getting better. The problem with all this is that I hardly ever get sick. I get sick at most twice a year. Twice! That's it, a fever and then a sore throat. That's basically about it, nothing more, but I've gotten something that I haven't had for a long time. EAR INFECTION...yea! I'm on antibiotics for a 10 days and everything is going great, even though I have pain in my ear. I'm just here sippin on a Blenheim...havin a good old time. Wait, what is a Blenheim you ask? Well...go here to find out


Sunday, January 22, 2006 

No Internet = No Blogtime

Sorry I was gone for the past few days...we had this huge wind storm that knocked out our internet. The weird thing is that we had cable just no internet. Well, what to talk about. I've gotten over the Colts losing and not having it be "their" year. Still a little bitter at the Steelers for coming out of nowhere and taking it from us. Oh well.

Anyway, our ski trip for my school is coming up on this Friday and I'm pumped. I think it must run in our family because my dad loves skiing, brothers love it, and my sister love it. It's in the blood, it has to be. We have this big group go up to this mountain and ski/snowboard all day. Great, simply great.

Also, golf lessons are going awesome. I've changed a lot in my swing the past 2 weeks and it looks like it started to payoff. I also love the teacher. He is great. He can see what I need to work on, shows me with simple drills, and tapes my swing for the computer. This will probably be my only coach for the rest of my life. That's how much he understands what I need to do with my swing.

Anyway, I'm now going for the Panthers and hoping that they can beat the Seahawks and take it all the way to the Super Bowl. I don't really know why I'm going for them...basically I don't really care anymore. Poor Colts...why oh why? Man...

Monday, January 16, 2006 

No Comment...

Colts...lost to the Steelers on Sunday after a late almost win rally. Pressure was put on Vanderjagt to kick a 46 yard field goal and tie the game, might I add he is the best field goal kicker in the history of the NFL. He misses it way right, giving the game to the Steelers. That's all I have to say...final score 21-18.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 

Stink...School's Back

Alright some people are in love with school and can't wait to go back and get knowledge flowing into their brains again. As for me, I have to get into a mode of liking school...the first few weeks I enjoy the teachers and friends, then it hits me like a load of bricks that we are back in school and we'll be in for a long time...Oh well. Then, at the end of the year everyone talks about how fast the year went by...and I just sitting there smiling saying "he..he..he, no it didn't." (those he's were fake laughter). Anyway, I had all of my classes switched around for no particular reason so now I get to meet new people, but of course, not to forget the old ones.

What classes did I change? Well, I added Journalism and dropped Debate II. So sorry, all those people who wanted me to stick with it and continue with the hard experience that will help me later on life are now left without that choice for me. Sorry, I got through Debate and it was great, but I need to be getting A's this next semester...not that big fat ole B.

Anything else happened to me? Hmmm, I think we start my golf lessons this Saturday, so again I can't wait for that. I don't have to go in to work until 10:45 for some odd reason. Even though we start school today, I don't have to go in until then. It's like a half-day. Yipee, back to elementary school. Ahh, the memories. Oh well, you guys have a great week. I'll try to. Haha.

Saturday, January 07, 2006 

Whoa, a little harsh

"Iran's president said Thursday he hoped for the death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latest anti-Israeli comment by a leader who has already provoked international criticism for suggesting that Israel be "wiped off the map."

This is crazy. Iran comes out and just rips out at Sharon. Yeah, yeah...there is this tension, they don't get along, they hate each other (literally), they want each others race dead and theirs superior. It's the classic revelation that is being showed right now in our time, that there will be unrest in the Middle East. Things are not just getting crazy in the Middle East. Look to the US. Fires in Oklahoma, earthquakes throughout the whole, hurricanes constantly, terrorist attacks, massive ice storms, and other attacks that keep reminding us that God is coming back to put his kingdom here on earth after he conquers all sin and Satan. What a relief...that we can count on that during this time of troubles.

U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack termed the remarks "hateful and disgusting."

"And this is a man who wraps himself in the cloak of a peaceful religion, Islam, and yet you hear remarks like this coming from him," McCormack said. "This regime has isolated the Iranian people from the rest of the world in a matter of months — through its actions and its statements."

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 

Just some things I found

Interesting Facts:

1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
2. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.
3. A shrimp's heart is in its head.
4. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.
5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
6. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
7. More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
8. Horses can't vomit.
9. Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
10. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.
11. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
12. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
13. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
14. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
15. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
16. 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.
17. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
18. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
19. Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.

*Just a sidenote...it's not true that no one can lick there elbow, I can do it...

Monday, January 02, 2006 

A resolution kept, a book returned - 68 years later

As a St. Vincent's High School senior in 1938, Lois Lyttle checked "The History of England & Great Britain" out of Vallejo's John F. Kennedy Library.
Recently, she fulfilled her 2006 New Year's resolution early by returning it, just 68 years overdue.

"My son's been after me to return it for the past three years, and this year seemed like a good time to bring it back," said Lois (Lyttle) Swanson, 83, of Daly City. "It had been in a box in the attic somewhere, and my son ran across it and said I had to bring it back."

Swanson said she checked the book out for a report and was supposed to return it Sept. 12, 1938, but, said her son Jim Swanson, 50, life overtook her and she forgot.

"She was 16 and in high school, and she just got busy - she got a lifetime of busy-ness," Jim Swanson said.

Lois Swanson said the book was packed in a box for moving and forgotten.

"We moved a couple of times that year," she said. "First to one of the new homes they were building on Tuolumne Street. But that turned out to be too far to get to school, so we rented a house closer in until I finished high school. Then I graduated from high school, went to nursing school and joined the army in World War II, and when I got out, my father had moved to San Francisco."

By that time, "The History of England & Great Britain," published in 1914, was just about the last thing on her mind, Lois Swanson said.

Growing up, Swanson said she was not allowed to wander past Santa Clara Street and Georgia Street "because the sailors were down there."

But she joined the military after nursing school.

She added that she's planned to return to nursing school but met her husband Bill while shopping for a car. Four children followed, "so I never made it to U.C.," she said. Bill Swanson died 13 years ago.

Jim Swanson said they decided to make a family reunion out of returning the book, and it took a couple years to get everyone together. It worked out for Dec. 23, 2005. The library was alerted in advance, he said.

"We drove around her old neighborhood, to her old school, and then to the library with the book. The librarian was quite delighted to waive the late fee," Jim Swanson said.

JFK manager Linda Mattchette said she doesn't recall ever getting a book returned quite so late before. Before this, the latest was about 40 years overdue, she said. Since the book is no longer in the system, Mattchette was able to waive the fine, but she calculated it anyway, and at 5 cents a day it came to about $1,200.

"She came in and said, 'I want to let you know, I have a very long overdue book,'" Mattchette said.

"She put it on the counter and said she was sorry for keeping it so long."

If the book had been returned anonymously, considering its age, it would have gone to the Friends of the Library for its book sale in March, Mattchette said.

Lois Swanson donated $20 to the library's children's fund and bought the book back, she said.

"I felt more embarrassed than anything, with everybody looking at me," Lois Swanson said.

"But the library was very nice."


Sunday, January 01, 2006 

How we Celebrate...

So, Happy New Year to everyone. I'm sure you all did something very exciting-go watch fireworks, stay up late, party, or just watch it all on the TV. What did I do yesterday at 11:50-11:59? Oh yeah, I was asleep. Oops. Slept through the whole beginning of the new year. Now how did that happen? Ohy well, our family is changing something this year slightly. In stead of having our New Year party on New Year's Eve, we have it on New Year's Day. I don't know why...but we do. The thing you all our dieing to know is what to we do? Well, I'm so glad you are interested.

#1-Fondue...what is it? Oh baby...we might as well ask webster...A dish, especially one consisting of a melted sauce in which pieces of food, such as bread, meat, or fruit, are dipped or cooked.

You have all these people over and have these long sticks that are used for dipping. Now, you have about 10 different things to dip in...oh it's good. 20 different things to actually eat. It's probably the best party we put on. Actually, it's the only party we put on but who cares. Lot's of people come over and we "party" for a long time and laugh our heads off. Soo, that's coming up tonight. Oh baby.

On another subject, we watched a great movie last night: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was a very funny movie in my opinion. For my humor, I kind of laugh at stuff that is so random it's hilarious, Johnny Depp played very well as Willy Wonka and they added a new twist to his character that was different from the first movie. 1st movie-Willy was a little weird, funny, he got to know each of the kids as they entered the factory, sang songs. 2nd movie-Still weird, Michael Jackson style though, which I thought was hilarious, didn't know each of the kids as much-but added a different prespective, no songs, hilarious, witty, like a kid comedian.

That's what I think. There are a lot more things I could say, but it can't be said in words. My rating...

On another subject...the Colts. What are they doing today? They play the Cardinals, who? The Cardinals? Shouldn't they be playing baseball? Whatever. All the more we should beat them. Dungy says we play to win today...in the RCA Dome! That's an advantage I would say.

"The Colts' goal is a victory, but not at the cost of remaining healthy for the playoffs, which for Indianapolis begin January 14 or 15."

Let's hope for a great game today...shall we