Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Work, Work, Play

I got up this morning to hear that the relatives are coming. That can only mean one thing on a day that you have nothing to do. Work. Plainly stated work. Started at 9:45 in the morning and finished at 2:00. Crazy, but the jobs got done. The reward? Golf till 7:00. It was great to relax and forget about work. Played on a team with my dad for 9 holes, then beat him the 2nd nine. Had a hurt shoulder left over from that soccer game on Friday, so I didn't play at my very best. Still a good day though...

Friday, October 28, 2005 

Big Problem

Well, today we had our last game of the season. Now, we move on to the playoffs. Good news-we play a team we tied. Bad news-we lost or tied every game this season. Basically, we are the worst team on the field. Our team has a pretty solid defense, but the problem is that our offense stinks. We lost two players over the season to injuries and that put us back a little. If we won to win the champoinship, we have to be close to perfect. I mean how hard can that be? Win every game as the worst team in the championship? Hey, it's possible. Great feats in history right? Well, we'll see what happens.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 

Crazy...just crazy

We finished golf today around 7:00 (my dad and me) and usually everytime we finish, we go to Checkers. They kind of gotten to know us over the past 2 years because we go there all the time. They have the best deals in town and the best food for that price. It's great. You look forward after golf to sinking your teeth into a big juicy hamburger. I just had one about 20 min ago and it was good.

Anyway, usually we see the same people there all the time and there's a so-so "diner friendship." We talk about random stuff and they kind of talk back, you get the point. So, we drive up and order 2 bacon cheeseburgers ($2.50 each) and a chicken sandwhich ($1.00). We had a coupon for the cheeseburgers, buy one get one free. We say our order with what we want on it. Then, the fast-food girl repeats our order back to us perfectly with everything right and since we had a coupon she said to pull ahead to the window. So my dad and I are enjoying sitting in the car listening to music when we drive up to the window, hand our coupon to the girl, and hear the total $8.41!? The girl had somehow added a cheeseburger out of nowhere, and taken our coupon and didn't do anything to change the order.

Well, while my dad and I are both trying to get this girl to understand what's wrong with the order, she's yelling at her mom (who we have seen there working a long time, but now the daughters have a new job, yea!) trying to get her over here while completely ignoring us. She finally gets the order right 3 minutes later. So we're waiting again when we hear something from inside say something and the her say "it wasn't my fault it was his fault, he ordered the extra cheeseburger!" I sat there going "are you kidding me?!"

Rule #1-Customer is always first, no excpetions
Rule #2-It's never the customer's fault

Good lands, I'm sitting there telling dad that she can't talk to him like that. I started saying the rules of fast-food. He just sits there and says that she's probably new on the job. Yes, true but don't people grow up with respect, politeness, and manners? Maybe it was just our family; how hard is it to practice these things around other people. Oh well, another sermon by me what happened interesting today. People!

P.S.-It was good food though...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 

New Add-on

I'm going to start putting up a daily quote. So if any of you are interested in weird or fascinating that people have said over the years, here's your chance. I just love to find good quotes. It's sort of like an accomplishment for me when I get something that I really wanted. The debate paper I talked about earlier that was due a few days ago. I made a B! This class is pretty hard and I been making C+'s to B-'s on everything in it. I think I have a B- now which is my goal to keep for the rest of the semester. I get A's in every other class, but this one challenges me like crazy.

Back to Ebay, you will not believe what came! The nike blade irons showed up on the front door! I love it. Waiting and waiting for these to come and there they were in all their glory. You can tell that I am
obsessed with golf. All of you people out there are probably just looking at these irons and shrugging your shoulders saying "so what." Well, it's important to me. LOL It's addictive I tell you. Once you're hooked, you are hooked. Have a good day! Hope you enjoy the daily quotes!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 


I'm in Debate ok and our issue this quarter is Judicial Activism. Pretty heavy stuff. I just wrote a paper for the Negative and Affirmative views and we're going to have to debate other students in the class this coming week. I paired up with someone whose so-so. The problem is that it will be my first debate. I'm a stage person that is quick on the feet so I don't think I'll do to badly. We'll see though if I can pull through without being crushed.
The time it takes to write these papers is insane. I guess it's just me but 2 hours for a 7 min speech! That's how much research I'm doing for these paper. I try to fit the words so it sounds professional. Which brings me to another thing, I like to be professional, but I can't talk the way intellectuals talk, I have the down to earth understanding that would relate to most Americans. I guess it's just me. I can dress the dress, walk the walk, but not talk the talk. Big hypocrite flag just waved there. Oh well. I guess I should just be myself.

Monday, October 24, 2005 

Isn't It Weird?

It's been seeming lately that natural disaster after natural disaster is hitting the U.S. or other parts of the world. Hurricanes, tornandoes, earthquakes, and others just keep bombarding us every week it seems like. Look back a couple of decades and see if this is happened frequently then...nope I would think so. It's getting worse as time goes on. Some argue global warming. Hmmm, a little weird. One funny little argument is there is a machine that is controlling all of these disasters. There was a news article that told of a man who quit his job as a newscaster and wanted to find out who was had the machine. Crazy how are world is!

-Massive Hurricane hitting Asia-

USA was lucky though when Hurricane Wilma took a little visit toward Mexico and stayed there for a while to become a category 1 before it hit Florida. (It left 3.2 million without power) Gave us some rest from all the problems that we need to recover from. Problem is wait till next week and we'll have another Katrina on our hands. Popped out of no where. Well, that's how it will be. There's wars and then there's natural disasters. You can quote me on that.

In other news our wonderful Cindy Sheehan declares that she "plans to tie herself to the White House fence to protest the milestone of 2,000 U.S. military deaths in Iraq."

She said, "I'll probably get arrested, and when I get out, I'll go back and do the same thing," she said.

Well, good for you Cindy, what a way to waste life, in and out of jail. Go on ahead. I mean what better way to complete the American Dream.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 


Had fun yesterday playing golf, lots of fun. I played with J. Vansteenburgh who goes to my school. Good competition but I finally took the upper hand and won. I guess you could say we were playing against each other. We might have just been playing for fun...I thought it was competition...hmm. Anyways, after he left I stayed and played another nine holes just because I needed to fix soemthing in my game. Good thing I did because now I think I got it down, finishing the day with 4 birdies, 3 pars, and a bogey. Now that's a fun day.

Big ebay person if you didn't know. Spend half of my online time looking around on Ebay trying to find good deals. I would say I am a pretty good little ebayer. I don't think I have a lost an auction for an item I really needed. I'm still waiting for some irons that I bought to arrive. The guy took forever in shipping them and then sends me an email that says "there was a problem with my bank account." What's that all about? Well, we'll see for sure. They are suppose to be here on Wednesday soooooooo I can't wait!

Saturday, October 22, 2005 

Up and Running

Well, just started the blog today. Everyone who cares or doesn't care will probably be hearing about the weird and exciting things that happen in my life. I think it's better to get out whats inside of you, so you don't hold a grudge or get all clammed up about a certain issue. Let it out with friends or a even a blog like this. Well, that was the interesting tip of the day from my quiver of knowledge that seems to be getting smaller everyday. Most of you know or should know that I am the biggest lover of golf the world will ever see. I play it almost everyday that's how much I love it. I'm going in about 10 min. so let's hope that I do well. If you see that I put an angry little blog on here, I might of had a bad day at golf.

Another thing that gets me is team games. I play soccer, right? The problem is that you get mad at your teammates for playing badly and they kind of ignore you and just keep going. It makes me so mad, that is why I like golf so much. If I hit a bad shot, I can blame it on me and know it's my fault. In soccer, we lose and you can't really blame it on anyone. Everyone did badly or somewhat close to it. Think about trying golf, it's good game to pick up...