Wednesday, December 28, 2005 

Ok, Ok I'm Back

All of you were probably biting all your fingernails off because you wanted to know what I got for Christmas and the wait kept going and going. Well, you have to remember our Christmas is not on Christmas Day; it's on the day after it. We travel down on the Day after Christmas and get home around 5:00 and then we open our presents. It's great; you just can't wait until you get home to see the glimmering presents and fluffy Christmas tree.

Anyway, you just want to know what I got. Ok here we go....

-5 new t-shirts (Vote for pedro, sprite, don't mess with texas, throw what you know, and popeye)

-New dress shoes (Nice brown ones, wasn't expecting it, but I needed them)

-Golf ball Picker-Upper (Needed it because I hit golf balls by our house)

-Lots of candy and other little things

-20 questions game (you cannot stump the thing!)

-Golf glove and great golf book (these are things I really really needed, thanks)

-Tiger Woods Hat (One of my favorite gifts, TW symbol on the front, perfect for golf)

-A fixed watch, long tees, more candy (these were in my stocking)

-New Nike golf shirt (White and oh so nice)

And the moment you have all been waiting for...the big gift. What was it? Was it underwear? Was it even clothing at all? Or could it have been a new car? No, but it is an awesome gift, if I may say so myself. It is one of the things I will always need for the rest of my life.

(30 minutes each baby)
Hey I was excited, weren't you?

Thursday, December 22, 2005 


Alright, this may be a touchy subject for some people, but for me, I could rant and debate all day long to get my two-pence worth of opinion. Why is this big old topic so important? Why has Target been focused on? Don't get me wrong, I love Target. Love it, great deals, awesome selling ideas, a huge growing business, and amazing advertisement, but why them?

"Last December Target threw out the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army? The SA does nothing day and night but help people, and some of those who are lying in the streets or shooting up their veins. Yet sweet Target, middle class profiled Target, pitches SA off their fronts by telling them to find another corner from which to hang their cheery kettles."

You may not assume the Salvation Army is closely related to Christmas, but when you walk into Walmart, K-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, or whatever...what do you always/sometimes see? Those wonderful old people wanting you to support the SA. Most people can't resist, some just give their pocket change, whatever the case may be, they give and provide.

"But no, Target has to go into a snit this Christmas by not permitting "Merry Christmas" to be said anywhere in the store or put on any written material or even breathed upon the merchandise. At least Target cannot corral the thoughts of believing employees who must pick up a paycheck from the likes of a Target executive office.

Merry Christmas is right. And it is merry throughout America and all around the world. It is merry in the souls of those who believe. It is merry throughout the Salvation Army where bells ring out where permitted and kettles fill up where sharing folk walk by. It is merry for some forlorn shelter sleeper who wakes up on December 25 to find herself not alone but sided by a Salvation Army lass willing to share a hot meal with an outcast."

Alright, Alright, some may think I'm going a little liberal on Target...well let's broaden the view shall we...more and more companies are falling, falling to pressure...from where? Who knows...but they don't care about it at all. I's a time for families to celebrate together. True, some people celebrate other holidays, but you don't have to completely force your opinion on everyone else around you. This may be way off the point, but athiest and how for them, they want to take "in God we trust" off our money and "under God" from our pledge. Why hurt the freedom of Americans? No God. No purpose. They have no zeal or love for the country they live in.

In closing on this big old speal over hosh-posh. You may have arguments that I have not addressed. That is not the issue. The main issue is that a love for our God-founded country is dwindling quickly. No love for a country? Why live there. Millions of people love it, they put there lives in to it, support it, and grow up around it. It is a place of oppurtunity. Founded on the principles that have stood the test of time. Believe me, why are we a superpower? Obviously, our government can explain that or I can, it works. It just does. If you cannot stand up, support your own country...then "get up and get out."

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 

Power on!

Oh my goodness, we finally got the power on. All of you our still wondering what I am talking about and why I haven't written on the blog since forever. Ok, here's the story.

Thursday: Wake up to see the whole neighborhood covered in ice. Yes, that's right, ice, and this is no ice hanging from the bottom of cars, it's ice that pulling down trees everywhere. So, I'm as crazy as ever wanting to find out if we have school or not. We didn't, obviously. There is always this rush when your sitting in front of the TV and slowly the name of your school pops up saying it's canceled. I went hooping and hollering all over the place. Anyway, at the same time as this all wonderful thing is happening, I went back to sleep. Woke power. Cool right, we're just going to be naturing people today. Ended Thursday no power...

Friday: Woke up after being piled in blankets, ice still everywhere. Still no power. Get up, ate some breakfast. Then, I started to hear noise from the garage. Went out there, and saw a man from my dad's work giving us a generator. Thanks. We soon had power, but only in select places. No bathrooms had power. Duh-duh-dun. Oh no. brother still had to take exams and study so they went to library, I went too. We didn't want to waste gas and the generator sooo we went to the library. He studied, I played on his computer and the internet. Funny this was I was at the library for 5 1/2 hours. Yeah, I said it. I don't know how that happened, and I was even studying. Oh well. Ended that day with the generator and no power in the bathrooms.

Saturday: Woke up to a very warm house, generator helped that. Took a shower in the dark, got dressed. Alright, what to do. Don't want to waste gas using the generator. So, I decided to go shopping with the parents. Hey, got my shopping done right? Yep. Ok, was shopping until 12:00, when my golf senses got me. I told dad that we had to play even though the whole city was without power. He said, "why not." That's us the die-hard golfers. Finished shopping and played golf. Eveywhere we looked when driving up there was not good, trees had fallen all over the place from the heavy load of ice they had to carry (personification). Power lines down everywhere. Crazy, but who cares...we are playing golf. We played an awesome round. 5 under for 10 holes. It was fun. Went home and was bored for the whole night. Ate, went to sleep.

Sunday: Got up, went to church. Ate lunch. Then I completely forgot. The Colts game is today how could I forget!! I turned it on to seem them behind 7 in the 1st quarter. That's alright, I told myself. They always come back. If you don't already know they lost. :( It couldn't go forever. So sad. I was mad because Peyton played awesome, but the stupid offensive line couldn't block. After my outrage was over, We went and played more golf. 8 holes, didn't play as well as before. Shot even myself, without dad. Went home, went to church. Came home. Ate, went to bed.

Monday: Still no power but the generator. Ice had melted by Sunday but power is still out. Went to work so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind at home. Was there until 5:00, came home. There is this thing when we come home. We all want the power on, so we come down our street and see if any of the neighbors have power. We are coming down a main road this time, seeing power. Not we we're smiling, turned onto our street and it's completely dark! No power still. Went to bed, no power.

Tuesday: Woke up, no power but the generator. Man. Went to work. Same as Monday. We turn the corner to our street......and see our neighbors christmas lights booming, with the Nativity Scene shining out for all to see it. Loved it. No more generator. I forgot to tell you, the thing is as loud as a pressure washer. Constantly. No mercy. Oh well, he's gone now. Turned on the power. Enjoyed the fresh heat. Went to bed happily ever after.

Now what! I'm going to Indiana for Christmas today! I want to see snow, not ICE! So I won't be able to update for another week or so. Too bad. You will probably hear what I get for Christmas on the next blog. So be ready. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

Update on the Exams

Like I said before this, I had my Math and U.S. Government exams today. I thought I did well on them soo I guess you could say it went pretty nice and smooth like peanut butter. Anyway, Got a 97% on the math and an 88% on the Government. Sad about the government grade though, I knew I could at least get a 92. Oh well, those are over.

Our principal just got up during our weekly meeting together and told us there is a huge possibility that school willl be canceled. During exam week! The last of the exams could be canceled! Not bad. I had Orchestra and Chemistry exams tomorrow. Or I have. Whatever happens first. Anyway, he said that if it ices over than all students will NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE EXAM. Wow. I thought I had an A- in chemistry, but that's the trouble; I'm not that sure. The other problem is that to keep my A- I need to get a 92% on the exam. Talk about pressure. Yeah. Well, we'll see what happens. This is different from the other time it iced so don't stop losing trust in me...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 


I just had my first of 6 exams. The exam was over the scarlet letter, and you all know how much I love that book. Yep. That's how much. The problem was the exam wasn't that hard. I think I might have gotten an A- on it. Here is a deep logical thought that I came up with when I was studying for the exam. If you study for an will do better than if you didn't...It's that simple. I know. Profound. Simply Profound. It just takes a little effort and you can come up with these things. It's great.

Anyway, also had my Debate exam. How hard was it? You know how I complained the whole year about how hard that class was and everything, I now think that has been my favorite class of my life. Well, getting away from the speech...the exam was just a survey on how well he taught the class. Hey it was 10 questions, no namer paper, and no grade. How easy is that? Well, let's just hope I can keep this streak of A's going for all the exams. U.S. Government and Algerbra 2 are tomorrow. I am not worried at all about the math, since I'm really good at it. It's the Government that will be a little harder than most things, well, that's what she told us. I think she's trying to scare us into studying. We'll see...

Sunday, December 11, 2005 

Quick Update

You all wanted to know if it iced down here in sunny South Carolina? Well, it didn't. I woke up to see nothing frozen, nothing even iced. It wasn't even bad weather that day. That's South Carolina for you. Anyway, sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I had a busy weekend. Wrote a debate paper tonight and my exams are this week. Yeah. Very very busy. Another little update...

You all thought you would get away without a Colts update. Too bad. They won again agaisnt the Jacksonville Jaguars. Probably one of the closest games so far this season. Let's all hope for 16-0 season.

"To win three in a row, and to win it on the road, obviously is really special,” Colts Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jim Irsay said. “It’s hard to win in this league. We’ve strung a lot of wins together."

“Coach Dungy’s going to continue to work us,” Sanders said. “We have to continue to get better, and not relax. You don’t ever want to relax in a situation like this, because everyone wants to beat you. We’re playing pretty good, so we’ve got to continue to practice hard and continue to get better.”

Thursday, December 08, 2005 

It Might Be Canceled...

There is a small chance, a very very small chance that school will be canceled tomorrow. It has been raining freezing rain for the past 5 hours and it won't stop until 6 in the morning. Hey, hey good news. We down South get so excited when it comes time to snow or ice our roads. Everyone goes crazy and runs to Bi-Lo and buys water and food to "hold out the storm." I'm from the North, I'm use to it for crying out loud. It just makes me laugh how people go to the extreme down here. There is a plus, long summers. Great time for golfing. Anyway, hope for ice....everywhere.

Funny thing will be, tomorrow I'll blog you guys and there will be no hint of ice anywhere. Hey it's South Carolina, radical changes happen so don't make me accountable, for sure, that it'll ice over...

Monday, December 05, 2005 

Check out a great site

There is a great site you can check out called Accuradio. It's got almost every genre of music you can think of: Classical, Easy Listening, Christmas, and of course the other stuff, but this is only what I like to listen to. It has thousands of songs for each genre, it's like unlimited music at your fingertips all for the low price of being free. It's that simple. It's great music, and I hope you enjoy. Now that my car salesman moment has gone by; I hope you'll listen to it all the time. Who doesn't love Christmas Music??

Sunday, December 04, 2005 

Well, they won again, who would have thought...

The colts now 12-0 won against the Titans this afternoon with a whopping 35-3. Ohh, those poor Titans never had a chance. I didn't watch the game but it was an obvious win for them.

How did the scoring go?

1st Quarter:
Touchdown-Marvin Harrison, 10 Yd pass from Peyton Manning (Vanderjagt-kick is good), Drive: 8 plays, 80 yards in 3:48.

2nd Quarter:
Touchdown-Bryan Fletcher, 13 Yd pass from Peyton Manning (Vanderjagt-kick is good), Drive: 10 plays, 59 yards in 5:41.

3rd Quarter:
Touchdown-Regie Wayne, 27 Yd pass from Peyton Manning (Vanderjagt-kick is good), Drive: 10 plays, 72 yards in 5:20.

Touchdown- Edgerrin James, 2 Yd run (Vanderjagt-kick is good), Drive: 8 plays, 68 yards in 4:09.

4th Quarter:
Touchdown-Larry Tripplett, 60 Yd fumble return (Vanderjagt-kick is good)

I do give congrats to Larry Tripplett for the amazing play for return a fumble. The Colts just cannot be stopped. Well, they play the Jacksonville Jaguars next week. The only team that came close to stopping them at the beginning, too bad they didn't. They're still 12-0!

Saturday, December 03, 2005 

Umm...yeah these are cool...

"I'm guess it's better than what we have now"

"Who wouldn't want one of these, it's Hurricane season"

"Just in case"


"That is so convienant

"Oh, that's just looks good"

"Take a ride on that"

Thursday, December 01, 2005 

What I'm Reading...for class

The book that has been assigned to us is called The Scarlet Letter. Many of you have probably read this book or enjoyed watching a movie, play, or skit put on about it. I have a few things to say about this book while I have been reading through it.

1. Why describe to the greatest detail something so unimportant as walking out of a jail cell. I couldn't believe that they spent almost 5 pages about her walking from the jail cell to the place where she will stand for 3 hours as punishment.

2. The words used in this book are crazy...ignimony? What on earth. I would you the common English language. Yes, yes, the book was written a long time ago, but who wanted to listen to that talk back then anyway. Well, I'm beginning to sound like a Democrat so I better stop.

3. The daughter of Hester Prynne (the woman with the A on her) is being called a demon child throughout the whole book. That's weird, reminds me of the Exorcist...(not that I've seen it, nasty movie, now that's demonic)and names the child a litte elf-child. The real reason for all of these names is because it is a constant reminder to the mother that the sin she committed. I still think it's weird though...

Well, that's what I don't like so far...oh yeah one more thing, there is basically no dialogue! The book is just a big old description of what is happening. I don't particulary like that in books unless it's actually interesting. Which this is not...

Book rating-1/2 star out of 5...*crowd-awwww*